terça-feira, 14 de maio de 2013

Posted by Unknown On 09:50

"On the xx‘s sophomore set Coexist, the suave British trio had a tall order in repeating the massive success of their self-titled debut. But on this latest episode of The Hivecast, the xx’s Oliver Sim tells Matt Pinfield that the new material came from a more personal place. ”A lot of the songs on the first album were written when you were 15, 16,” Sim says. “For me it wasn’t coming from a place of experience. It was still genuine but a lot of building up my expectations and observations in looking at other people’s relationships and how I wanted things to turn out. This time around, I’m 22, 23 now and I actually have experiences. It was pretty cathartic; I was venting. It’s easy to forget about the outside world and where it’s going to go. I thought I’d be more cryptic than I was."

Source: http://www.mtvhive.com/2013/04/10/xx-interview-oliver-sim-matt-pinfield-coexist/

segunda-feira, 13 de maio de 2013

Posted by Unknown On 17:20

Youngturks just lunched a sneak peek of the Night + day event!


sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2013

Posted by Unknown On 11:49

The Yen Magazine interviewed Oliver sim a month ago. Check out his responses :)

"What do you three do besides music?Go for drinks, just be in each others company. We’re part of the same social group. When we finished the first tour we’d been together for about two years and every day I’d see them more than anyone else, and I thought in my head ‘I might want some space and in the most loving way just not see them for a bit’, but after four days of being back home I was ringing them up asking what they were up to and if they wanted to hang out. I’ve known Romy since I was three years old and we’ve spent pretty much every day together since, and been friends with Jamie since I was 11, so we’re used to being with each other all the time."

Read the full interview by clicking in the link bellow.

Posted by Unknown On 11:45

"After a setlist of songs about heartbreak, it was a fitting ending. To paraphrase their love-struck song VCR, the band were half in the daytime, half at night, finally by the sea and in the company of hundreds. More festivals should be like this."

Read the full review by clicking in the link bellow.

Posted by Unknown On 11:35

Listen to the cover by the "The xx" of "I Miss You" of Beyonce.


quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013

Posted by Unknown On 17:28

The Great Gatsby soundtrack is out and in there you can listen to the "Together"  track by the "The xx"

Listen to the track by clicking in the video.

Posted by Unknown On 17:23

Here you can find some pics of the xx in the Night and Day festival of last sunday in Lisbon . Don´t forget that the next one is in Berlin and London. It´s worth it! 
